Dates and Time

Dates and Time Types


Period types represent discrete, human representations of time.


Instant types represent integer-based, machine representations of time as continuous timelines starting from an epoch.


The UTInstant represents a machine timeline based on UT time (1 day = one revolution of the earth). The T is a Period parameter that indicates the resolution or precision of the instant.


TimeType types wrap Instant machine instances to provide human representations of the machine instant.


DateTime wraps a UTInstant{Millisecond} and interprets it according to the proleptic Gregorian calendar.


Date wraps a UTInstant{Day} and interprets it according to the proleptic Gregorian calendar.

Dates Functions

All Dates functions are defined in the Dates module; note that only the Date, DateTime, and now functions are exported; to use all other Dates functions, you’ll need to prefix each function call with an explicit Dates., e.g. Dates.dayofweek(dt). Alternatively, you can write using Base.Dates to bring all exported functions into Main to be used without the Dates. prefix.

DateTime(y[, m, d, h, mi, s, ms]) → DateTime

Construct a DateTime type by parts. Arguments must be convertible to Int64.

DateTime(periods::Period...) → DateTime

Constuct a DateTime type by Period type parts. Arguments may be in any order. DateTime parts not provided will default to the value of Dates.default(period).

DateTime(f::Function, y[, m, d, h, mi, s]; step=Day(1), negate=false, limit=10000) → DateTime

Create a DateTime through the adjuster API. The starting point will be constructed from the provided y, m, d... arguments, and will be adjusted until f::Function returns true. The step size in adjusting can be provided manually through the step keyword. If negate=true, then the adjusting will stop when f::Function returns false instead of true. limit provides a limit to the max number of iterations the adjustment API will pursue before throwing an error (in the case that f::Function is never satisfied).

DateTime(dt::Date) → DateTime

Converts a Date type to a DateTime. The hour, minute, second, and millisecond parts of the new DateTime are assumed to be zero.

DateTime(dt::AbstractString, format::AbstractString; locale="english") → DateTime

Construct a DateTime type by parsing the dt date string following the pattern given in the format string. The following codes can be used for constructing format strings:

Code Matches Comment
y 1996, 96 Returns year of 1996, 0096
m 1, 01 Matches 1 or 2-digit months
u Jan Matches abbreviated months according to the locale keyword
U January Matches full month names according to the locale keyword
d 1, 01 Matches 1 or 2-digit days
H 00 Matches hours
M 00 Matches minutes
S 00 Matches seconds
s .500 Matches milliseconds
e Mon, Tues Matches abbreviated days of the week
E Monday Matches full name days of the week
yyyymmdd 19960101 Matches fixed-width year, month, and day

All characters not listed above are treated as delimiters between date and time slots. So a dt string of “1996-01-15T00:00:00.0” would have a format string like “y-m-dTH:M:S.s”.

Dates.DateFormat(format::AbstractString) → DateFormat

Construct a date formatting object that can be passed repeatedly for parsing similarly formatted date strings. format is a format string in the form described above (e.g. "yyyy-mm-dd").

DateTime(dt::AbstractString, df::DateFormat) → DateTime

Similar form as above for parsing a DateTime, but passes a DateFormat object instead of a raw formatting string. It is more efficient if similarly formatted date strings will be parsed repeatedly to first create a DateFormat object then use this method for parsing.

Date(y[, m, d]) → Date

Construct a Date type by parts. Arguments must be convertible to Int64.

Date(period::Period...) → Date

Constuct a Date type by Period type parts. Arguments may be in any order. Date parts not provided will default to the value of Dates.default(period).

Date(f::Function, y[, m]; step=Day(1), negate=false, limit=10000) → Date

Create a Date through the adjuster API. The starting point will be constructed from the provided y, m arguments, and will be adjusted until f::Function returns true. The step size in adjusting can be provided manually through the step keyword. If negate=true, then the adjusting will stop when f::Function returns false instead of true. limit provides a limit to the max number of iterations the adjustment API will pursue before throwing an error (given that f::Function is never satisfied).

Date(dt::DateTime) → Date

Converts a DateTime type to a Date. The hour, minute, second, and millisecond parts of the DateTime are truncated, so only the year, month and day parts are used in construction.

Date(dt::AbstractString, format::AbstractString; locale="english") → Date

Construct a Date type by parsing a dt date string following the pattern given in the format string. Follows the same conventions as DateTime above.

Date(dt::AbstractString, df::DateFormat) → Date

Parse a date from a date string dt using a DateFormat object df.

now() → DateTime

Returns a DateTime corresponding to the user’s system time including the system timezone locale.

now(::Type{UTC}) → DateTime

Returns a DateTime corresponding to the user’s system time as UTC/GMT.

eps(::DateTime) → Millisecond
eps(::Date) → Day

Returns Millisecond(1) for DateTime values and Day(1) for Date values.

Accessor Functions

year(dt::TimeType) → Int64
month(dt::TimeType) → Int64
week(dt::TimeType) → Int64
day(dt::TimeType) → Int64
hour(dt::TimeType) → Int64
minute(dt::TimeType) → Int64
second(dt::TimeType) → Int64
millisecond(dt::TimeType) → Int64

Return the field part of a Date or DateTime as an Int64.

Year(dt::TimeType) → Year
Month(dt::TimeType) → Month
Week(dt::TimeType) → Week
Day(dt::TimeType) → Day
Hour(dt::TimeType) → Hour
Minute(dt::TimeType) → Minute
Second(dt::TimeType) → Second
Millisecond(dt::TimeType) → Millisecond

Return the field part of a Date or DateTime as a Period type.

yearmonth(dt::TimeType) -> (Int64, Int64)

Simultaneously return the year and month parts of a Date or DateTime.

monthday(dt::TimeType) -> (Int64, Int64)

Simultaneously return the month and day parts of a Date or DateTime.

yearmonthday(dt::TimeType) -> (Int64, Int64, Int64)

Simultaneously return the year, month, and day parts of a Date or DateTime.

Query Functions

dayname(dt::TimeType; locale="english") → AbstractString

Return the full day name corresponding to the day of the week of the Date or DateTime in the given locale.

dayabbr(dt::TimeType; locale="english") → AbstractString

Return the abbreviated name corresponding to the day of the week of the Date or DateTime in the given locale.

dayofweek(dt::TimeType) → Int64

Returns the day of the week as an Int64 with 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, etc..

dayofweekofmonth(dt::TimeType) → Int

For the day of week of dt, returns which number it is in dt‘s month. So if the day of the week of dt is Monday, then 1 = First Monday of the month, 2 = Second Monday of the month, etc. In the range 1:5.

daysofweekinmonth(dt::TimeType) → Int

For the day of week of dt, returns the total number of that day of the week in dt‘s month. Returns 4 or 5. Useful in temporal expressions for specifying the last day of a week in a month by including dayofweekofmonth(dt) == daysofweekinmonth(dt) in the adjuster function.

monthname(dt::TimeType; locale="english") → AbstractString

Return the full name of the month of the Date or DateTime in the given locale.

monthabbr(dt::TimeType; locale="english") → AbstractString

Return the abbreviated month name of the Date or DateTime in the given locale.

daysinmonth(dt::TimeType) → Int

Returns the number of days in the month of dt. Value will be 28, 29, 30, or 31.

isleapyear(dt::TimeType) → Bool

Returns true if the year of dt is a leap year.

dayofyear(dt::TimeType) → Int

Returns the day of the year for dt with January 1st being day 1.

daysinyear(dt::TimeType) → Int

Returns 366 if the year of dt is a leap year, otherwise returns 365.

quarterofyear(dt::TimeType) → Int

Returns the quarter that dt resides in. Range of value is 1:4.

dayofquarter(dt::TimeType) → Int

Returns the day of the current quarter of dt. Range of value is 1:92.

Adjuster Functions

trunc(dt::TimeType, ::Type{Period}) → TimeType

Truncates the value of dt according to the provided Period type. E.g. if dt is 1996-01-01T12:30:00, then trunc(dt,Day) == 1996-01-01T00:00:00.

firstdayofweek(dt::TimeType) → TimeType

Adjusts dt to the Monday of its week.

lastdayofweek(dt::TimeType) → TimeType

Adjusts dt to the Sunday of its week.

firstdayofmonth(dt::TimeType) → TimeType

Adjusts dt to the first day of its month.

lastdayofmonth(dt::TimeType) → TimeType

Adjusts dt to the last day of its month.

firstdayofyear(dt::TimeType) → TimeType

Adjusts dt to the first day of its year.

lastdayofyear(dt::TimeType) → TimeType

Adjusts dt to the last day of its year.

firstdayofquarter(dt::TimeType) → TimeType

Adjusts dt to the first day of its quarter.

lastdayofquarter(dt::TimeType) → TimeType

Adjusts dt to the last day of its quarter.

tonext(dt::TimeType, dow::Int;same::Bool=false) → TimeType

Adjusts dt to the next day of week corresponding to dow with 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, etc. Setting same=true allows the current dt to be considered as the next dow, allowing for no adjustment to occur.

toprev(dt::TimeType, dow::Int;same::Bool=false) → TimeType

Adjusts dt to the previous day of week corresponding to dow with 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, etc. Setting same=true allows the current dt to be considered as the previous dow, allowing for no adjustment to occur.

tofirst(dt::TimeType, dow::Int;of=Month) → TimeType

Adjusts dt to the first dow of its month. Alternatively, of=Year will adjust to the first dow of the year.

tolast(dt::TimeType, dow::Int;of=Month) → TimeType

Adjusts dt to the last dow of its month. Alternatively, of=Year will adjust to the last dow of the year.

tonext(func::Function, dt::TimeType;step=Day(1), negate=false, limit=10000, same=false) → TimeType

Adjusts dt by iterating at most limit iterations by step increments until func returns true. func must take a single TimeType argument and return a Bool. same allows dt to be considered in satisfying func. negate will make the adjustment process terminate when func returns false instead of true.

toprev(func::Function, dt::TimeType;step=Day(-1), negate=false, limit=10000, same=false) → TimeType

Adjusts dt by iterating at most limit iterations by step increments until func returns true. func must take a single TimeType argument and return a Bool. same allows dt to be considered in satisfying func. negate will make the adjustment process terminate when func returns false instead of true.

recur{T<:TimeType}(func::Function, dr::StepRange{T};negate=false, limit=10000) → Vector{T}

func takes a single TimeType argument and returns a Bool indicating whether the input should be “included” in the final set. recur applies func over each element in the range of dr, including those elements for which func returns true in the resulting Array, unless negate=true, then only elements where func returns false are included.



Construct a Period type with the given v value. Input must be losslessly convertible to an Int64.

default(p::Period) → Period

Returns a sensible “default” value for the input Period by returning one(p) for Year, Month, and Day, and zero(p) for Hour, Minute, Second, and Millisecond.

Conversion Functions

today() → Date

Returns the date portion of now().

unix2datetime(x) → DateTime

Takes the number of seconds since unix epoch 1970-01-01T00:00:00 and converts to the corresponding DateTime.

datetime2unix(dt::DateTime) → Float64

Takes the given DateTime and returns the number of seconds since the unix epoch as a Float64.

julian2datetime(julian_days) → DateTime

Takes the number of Julian calendar days since epoch -4713-11-24T12:00:00 and returns the corresponding DateTime.

datetime2julian(dt::DateTime) → Float64

Takes the given DateTime and returns the number of Julian calendar days since the julian epoch as a Float64.

rata2datetime(days) → DateTime

Takes the number of Rata Die days since epoch 0000-12-31T00:00:00 and returns the corresponding DateTime.

datetime2rata(dt::TimeType) → Int64

Returns the number of Rata Die days since epoch from the given Date or DateTime.


Days of the Week:

Variable Abbr. Value (Int)
Monday Mon 1
Tuesday Tue 2
Wednesday Wed 3
Thursday Thu 4
Friday Fri 5
Saturday Sat 6
Sunday Sun 7

Months of the Year:

Variable Abbr. Value (Int)
January Jan 1
February Feb 2
March Mar 3
April Apr 4
May May 5
June Jun 6
July Jul 7
August Aug 8
September Sep 9
October Oct 10
November Nov 11
December Dec 12